A HUGE GIGANTIC PEN!! A cute gift! =) I'll use it as much as possible, but where do i get the ink refill ar??? :P
This pic is to show the hugeness of the pen, that it's almost the length of my arm! The previous pic isn't huge bcuz i enlarged it on camera... :)
Finally, a lovely bookmark wif a lovely card! Thanks alot!! (Reminds me of the cards i made when i was their age too...haha!)Thanks again everyone for ur wonderful gifts! I appreciate & treasure em! =)))
Finally, rem in one of my previous posts, I mentioned tt as a teacher i need to learn how to not laugh too heartily in class when i see sth hilarious? To maintain composure as a teacher. I tink that during my 10-week stint, I had quite a number of oppotunities to practise doin that.. LOL!!
Oppotunity #1:
A female student asked me, "Cher, who do u tink the cutest male teacher in our school is?" Such a random qn..haha! Fortunately, during tt time, i was just in my first week there, so i cld reply that, "Ermm...i just came, and haven seen all the male teachers properly to make a fair judgement yet." LOL! (though i now have an idea who her expected answer was..haha!)
Oppotunity #2:
During a class, a male student was trying to be funny and said that he was tired and needed a bed. So, I replied by saying that he can buy a bed, but cannot buy sleep. And then, another MALE student nearby rebutted by saying, "CAN, (meaning he can buy sleep) if he sleeps wif me!" LOL! I was trying so hard to bite my tongue to prevent myself frm laughing when i heard tt... or maybe i turned my face away frm em and started to laugh...LOL!
Oppotunity #3:
During a relief period, students were left to do their work assigned by the teacher who was absent. After awhile, they started to gather in groups. I decided to pick on a group that was the largest to reduce the noise level. So, i approached em and asked, "What are you doin? Finished ur work already?" And one of them replied, "Cher, he trying to anal me." And for a moment, i tot tat he meant "anal" as in the shortform for anal-retentive, meaning to be picky to the minutest detail. But it doesn't make sense, plus, those students only sec 3 leh, english where got so good sia... considering tt i only learnt the word anal-retentive tis year. So i realised which "anal" he was referring to when i saw tt he was sitting on another male student's lap!!!! AIYOH!!! Have to admit tt i was abit stunned and dunno wat to say!!!! So i juz tried n act blur by telling em, "If you want to work in groups, please do so quietly." And guess how that same student responded? He said that, "Anal cannot do in groups one, very tiring, muz do individually..." Wah!! Cannot take it sia...really wanted to laugh at that time...so started biting my tongue profusely while trying to aum chio.... In the past, students are cute and innocent, now, they are ermm...still cute, but not too innocent.. LOL!
Oppotunity #4:
I saw a student pretending that his badminton racket was a guitar, and started strumming the racket!!! LOL!! I called out his name, and the look he had on his face while quickly putting away his racket made me want to laugh too... LOL!
Yup, so those were some of the interesting memories i had with em..maybe they're nt tat funny to u..cuz u din view it live! Or maybe i'm juz too easily tickled lah..haha...of course, there were times when i was angry and depressed too... due to the long assemblies that always eat into my first periods especially during the times close to exams when teachers are trying to rush syllabus... the deadlines can be quite pressing at times too...but well, still managed to survive till today! =) So, once again, when you can't explain how u managed to meet all of those pressing deadlines, it muz be through God's grace & strength. :) Even if you could explain how you did it, it's also by God's grace and strength. :) Thank God for giving me wisdom and strength through this challenging 10-week stint, and also for the precious memories and experiences I've gained and learnt! =)