Wednesday, November 28, 2007
It's been 2 days into my paid leave...haven fully completed any stuff i wrote in my To-Do List yet, but started working halfway on 1 or 2 only....need more discipline!!! The worst thing bout having holidays is tat u get urself in a situation where u dun noe wat to do n end up wasting time. Though I admit tat i waste time to destress myself (ever heard of such a method??? lol...), de type of wasting time amidst your busy schedule and wasting time when u're already so free are 2 diff things. The first one makes u destress, but de second one might make u more stressed cuz u're knowingly "throwing away ur youth"..haha...So for these 2 days, i've mainly been working on my 6 ppt slides assignment, which is a minor asignment which can be submitted thru no need to go to NIE tis week!!! so considered on paid leave liao..hehe...Then today at prayer meeting, i was asked to be a musician for carolling, and was given a booklet with a compilation of the christmas carols to be sung. Quite meaningful and nice songs...and some new songs too :) so will hav more songs to practise now. Thank God for giving me a chance to serve in the music ministry even though i know that i'm quite a stage-fright person when it comes to playing music in front of many people. When I first started learning the organ when I was young, i never imagined that i would be used by God to play in church services. So I thank Him for leading me to serve Him in this avenue. God's will is perfect, and He'll definitely lead you to where He wants you to be....if u're willing to be led by Him :) I admit I still get kinda nervous and stressed when I have to play in front of alot of ppl, maybe i haven been praying fervently enough...but I know that my Almighty Father will not leave me nor forsake me when I need Him most (Hebrews 13:5) =)Recently I've heard a song that goes "And although there've been times I've been out of His will, I've NEVER been out of His care..." I think it's a very great comfort to Christians who have a best-est friend like Jesus! Even though we've strayed from His will wilfully, God still loves His children, which reminds me of a song which someone changed the words frm the children's song: Jesus loves me. Here it goes:(To be sung to the tune of the kid's song, Jesus Loves Me, This I Know)Jesus loves me when I'm good,When I do the things I should.Jesus loves me when I'm bad,Though it makes Him very sad.Yes, Jesus loves me (x3)The Bible tells me so=) =) =) =)
12:32 AM
Monday, November 26, 2007
My To-Do-List during PAID LEAVE!!!
haha i saw my fren blogging bout her to-do list, n i thought of writing one up myself too!! Only that i'll modify it a little, by classifying it into my "Need-To-Do List" and "Want-To-Do List", so that it'll help me prioritize on what i shd start doin first..haha..hav a feeling that de "Want-To-Do List" will be longer than the "Need-To-Do List" here it goes....I Need To:1) Practise my organ more, so that I can be a better organist for God's use in church. :) Hope to practise all the songs in the church hymn book (which is about 560++ hymns!!!!), and also the choir presentation songs!!!!2) Have a more regular quiet time (a usual struggle which has to be dealt with.)3) Revise my chemistry and maths content. (especially needful if i happen to be posted to JC to teach chem)4) Dig out useful teaching resources. (so tat i wun suffer too much during practicum!!!)5) Exercise more regularly!! (it's more for being healthy rather than to lose weight...haha)I Want To:1) Go shopping!!! (thx to female genes...)2) Be more disciplined to save money. (seems to contradict de shopping item above...hmm...)3) Do sth special for my family & frens tis christmas. (but haven tot of wat yet...)4) Consolidate the stuff I've learnt in the Romans Bible Study which juz ended. So that i wun forget the precious lessons frm His precious Word. =)5) Go for facials, manicure, pedicure n de usual...(but tis is dependent on de bonus to come..haha)6) Try out one session of SPA (not school practical assessment k!!! it's de one to relax!!), anyone?? (lol...i heard a fren say tat she dun dare to go for spa cuz once u've taken off ur clothes, they'll start pushing u to buy their products, n if u dun buy any, they wun return u your clothes..haha really meh???)7) Complete reading "Anak Semua Bangsa" and if possible de rest of de books in tat series of 4. (it's a bahasa indonesia novel, dun wan to lose touch wif de language!!!)8) Revise my spanish & italian!!! i took only beginning courses for em, but sadly hav forgotten most of it liao... sadz... :(9) Savour yummy food!!! Anything to recommend??? (i tink i spend almost equal proportions of my money on food n me, savouring nice foods is more impt than dieting..haha)10) Learn make-up. (my dad always asks me to go for make-up course..izit cuz i dun apply make-up correctly??? hmm...but i actually still believe in letting one's natural beauty shine....)Yup, tats it for now...might add on more another time!!! haha... =)
12:02 AM
Saturday, November 24, 2007
YAY!!! It's over for now!! On PAID LEAVE!!!!!
YAY!!! It's over for now!!! On PAID LEAVE!!!!!!!!!!!
Yes! One semester's over at last, n it passed super super fast actually!! Such tat I had no time to blog until now...sadz...Anyway, life in NIE is like, u dun need to complain bout monday blues on sunday, cuz friday will come again in no time..hahahaha!!!! so is tat gd or bad??? hehe....Thank God for strength through the semester! :)
So, de last week of school juz ended, and as usual, de last week is one of de busiest week before can go on paid leave..haha...firstly, i had quite a major chem assignment to hand in, and i actually only started working at it (includes detailed lesson plan, slides, student copy WS and ans too..haiz..) one day b4 de submission day. So tat costed me a nite wif only an hour of sleep, and de best thing is tat de next day, i had an oral test (on de spot make a 3min speech wif 10min preparation time given), and after de oral test hav to go to a primary sch to conduct a day camp for em...quite a busy day!! And de reason y i din start doin tat assignment earlier was bcuz on de daybefore, I had to bring kids to sentosa for an excursion...haha fun but tiring....
Anyway, de sentosa excursion thing n de day camp at a sch were part of my GESL proj, a proj where we hav to do community service as a group. So at Sentosa, we went to underwater world n dolphin lagoon, which I've not been there for a long time liao!! (and fortunately we din go to the insect and butterfly park...cuz i'm quite terrified of having insects flying around me..haha i'll use an umbrella if i hav to go to tat kind of place) Then we had this walking trail where we had to bring our group of kids around sentosa like hiking in a quest to answer some questions in their booklet...abit like a mini form of Amazing Race. And I had 3 kids in my group together wif another leader, 2 boys, 1 girl. 1 boy is de typical kind of pri sch kid who dun like to get close to girls, another boy is the kuai and cooperative but kinda nerdy one, and de girl turned out to be quite accident-prone cuz she fell down twice throughout de whole hike.
But de whole hike was quite interesting lah, cuz i had de chance to go places in sentosa where i seldom go, and it seems like sentosa's been renovated quite alot! Haha..n i realized tat de kids r actually quite smart too! Like there was a question in their booklet that goes, "I can grant you your wish. I appear in many stories and help the kind characters. I live among the flowers. COme find me! (Hint: I can fly)" Can guess de ans?? haha de ans is a fairy, and de kids cld guess it quite easily! But when i was tinking bout it, i was tinking along de line of sth tat is a living thing that flies n lives among flowers haha...seems like my child-like imagination is not working too well anymore... And they also had to ans questions like give examples of 5 different insects/mammals/fishes, and they cld actually rem their science quite well!! Thankfully de other leader wif me is a bio tcher, so he noes those stuff...haha if it were me, i tink if de kids juz whack any uncommon insects wif funny names (like leafy dragonfish, madagascian hissing cockroach...), i might not know if that is an insect anot...haha.. worst still, i might not even noe tat such an insect or mammal they can bluff thru quite easily if i were de one testing em...haha but tat wasn't de case..hee...
Anyway, here r some pics taken during de project... :) enjoy!
The 3 maple kidz at Sentosa!!! (They named our grp Maple Kidz..haha)
Ellis & the peacocks!! (eh, maybe it's peahen..)
2:25 PM