Sunday, August 26, 2007
A few pix to share...
Hello! I'm back again after quite a long time ya...nothing very very exciting happened to far...juz work as juz wanna share some pix i took over tis period..enjoy!!!
I tot tis was quite an interesting pic!!! It's shot by a little girl in church tortoise in de middle is my hp keychain which i named "cute-cute". Cute-cute is sitting on my bag which i was carrying, and beside cute-cute is my hand and my waist, which is wrapped in a new blouse i juz bought haha....i like de angle at which tis pic is taken...quite unique considering tat it's shot by a small gurl!!! :)
Dinner @ Azaru Sabo with Lee Yong, Jolander and Hui Si...There are 2 teachers and 2 lab researchers here...Guess who is which!!!!! All the best, gals!! And keep in touch!!!
Seafood jap cold noodle @ Azaru Sabo's!!! Yummy!! Esp wif de mayo sauce!!!
Desserts @ Azaru Sabo r simply de BEST!!! Ice-cream on top and ice (like those in ice-kachang) below, toppled wif chocolate sauce!!! (it may look pink, but it's actually chocolate..hehe) My fav dessert for de day!!! :))
A ice-cream cum fruits kind of dessert...sounds like healthy food...hmmm....
Half-eaten green tea ice-cream with red bean paste...tastes very japanese...haha
Finally received de grad pic of my glorious moment which i ordered...haha...
8:22 PM
Wednesday, August 8, 2007
The start of my NIE life...
haha yeah! finally i'm being paid to study..hehe...dats de privilege tat NIE students get haha, so join NIE if u wish to be paid to study!! haha i sound like i'm doin propaganda ya...but i'm not..hehe.. And so far, i've gone thru my first week of lessons at NIE and for dat first week, i only came to NIE for 2 days!!!!! out of de 5 weekdays!!!! get paid to slack at home for 3 days haha...but of course, de worse is not here "time freedom" which i'm enjoying now will be paid for in de weeks to come when i start to be busier. Tat's life, i guess.....So far, i've attended classes for my educational psychology , ICT (IT stuff for student-centred learning), and maths teaching courses, and all of em actually involve group work and projects...haiz...guess i'm dreading it cuz i'm juz not used to it. You dun always end up in de same tutorial group as your frens, but tats ok if no group work is involved, but tats not de case. So, you've gotta form groups wif ppl whom u're not very familiar wif, ppl whom u've juz met for de first day in class for juz abt an hour or so, and you'll be double blessed if u can find sumone in ur group tat u can click well wif. Finding urself a group is not much of a problem, but its de part on clicking wif de ppl in ur group tat is sometimes de problem... but again, tat's life! Just hav to learn to get de hang of it since NIE seems famous for doin group work n projects all de time. But thank God tat so far, I havent met anyone whom I die-die cannot click wif one... haha...And in NIE, we hav this project on service learning tat we hav to complete. Every group hav to organize or do something tat wld benefit de community, like organize a survival kit course for primary 1 kids, or bringing disabled kids out for an excursion, or stuff along tat line lah... i find tat i'm de type who wan to faster get tis over and done wif, and choose sth simple w/o too much preparation work...haha..but i tink de ppl in my group r de more meticulous type, maybe cuz they got more experience in community work than me. Oh well, juz hope tat tis whole project wld turn out positively though..heard tat got one group who wanted to organize an outing for disabled kids, but last minute de owner of de home for de disabled kids said tat they've had enuf wif volunteers cuz a kid injured himself during an outing organized by volunteers. Hence, de whole meticulously planned outing had to be cancelled cuz de home din wan to risk anymore kids getting injured, so to put it "not-so-nicely", all their efforts went down de drain n they had to start frm scratch...sianz....juz hope tat such things dun happen to my group can liao... Maybe i'm really too comfortable in my comfort zone, and shd do more community work instead..hmmm....Yup and this week is quite interesting cuz i get to meet up wif my frens in uni!!! Met Meena for dinner on tue at Secret Recipe, and gonna eat jap food wif my honours chem frens on sunday...yay!!! Feels good to be able to indulge now tat i'm financially independent..haha...juz hope tat i'll be able to be thrifty in my spending and be able to save de target amount i set for myself per month (to buy car..haha). And of course, not forgetting my tithing oso, which I tend to forget...which makes me feel like I'm owing God money lidat... Need to do sth bout it, which requires discipline. I remember sumone ever telling me b4 tat we shd be stewards of our money too, and for him, it is during months when he faithfully tithes tat he finds tat he gets enuf to spend, but when he doesn't tithe, de opposite wil happen. Irony ya? but i guess it's God's way of honouring him for his faithfulness in tithing. And I always remind myself of tithing from tis sharing :) Well, at de end of de day, I find that discipline is very crucial in maintaining a fruitful spiritual life. QT, praying, tithing, maintaining glorifying testimony all requires discipline. Anyway, my next pay day's cumin soon too!! YAY!!! and hopefully, i'll be a faithful steward of my money :) hair's almost i shall stop here to go n sleep now...haha...till next time, cya! ^_^
12:46 AM
Wednesday, August 1, 2007
My Teaching Memories...
Yup my 4 weeks of enhanced school experience has juz ended....and i can say tat those 4 weeks passed by very fast! But it was generally quite an enriching teaching experience, which did not dampen my interest for teaching :) Throughout those 4 weeks, i got the oppotunity to teach coordinate geometry & trigonometry ^_^ Probably one of the most memorable things I received from tis experience was the VERY VERY loud and enthusiastic "GOOD MORNING MISS LOH" greeting i received from my students on my last day wif em...and of course, not forgetting the little farewell notes that some students passed to me. Even though they wrote it kinda last minute, those notes are stuff that i really treasure (even more treasured than love letters...haha), and I will definitely keep them for life. I recently read sth from a book entitled "1000 Best new teacher survival secrets", and one of the secrets was,
"Remember when friends are receiving holiday bonuses that you receive your bonuses from much greater things. The bonus includes students saying thank you, telling you that you are the best teacher, little notes and formal letters, and general job satisfaction." :) :) :) :))))
And i totally agree wif it especially when i personally received those little notes from some of my students :) So even till the very last day I had to teach, my class mentor did not enter the class to observe me and i was allowed to run the show by myself throughout, or can say, throw me into the ocean and let me learn to swim on my own. Which was actually a good thing, cuz having the chance to teach and manage a class on my own was actually the thing that made my teaching experience meaningful :) And on the last day of teaching, I gave each of my students a farewell card (i had 28 students, and hence 28 cards to indeed trained up my hand which i hope might motivate em to study harder (and oso remember miss loh..haha) Will they rem me?? hmm... Well, at first i tot of juz buying some small gifts like chocolates for em, but i tot tat after they eat my chocolates, they might forget bout me, so decided to write each of em a card, which is more "eternal" than chocolates, so tat hopefully, they'll rem miss loh, at least for as long as miss loh remembers each of their names..hehe...hopefully...Well, the next time i'll get to do classroom teaching would be during my practicum in Feb 2008. Not sure of i'll get back to the same school though...but in de meantime, i'll be back at NIE to be trained to become a full-fledged teacher. The first week back there was really boring in comparison to the sch teaching experience, cuz it was juz briefings, briefings and more briefings... :( boring... but anyway, NIE is the last chance for me to be a student, so its back to wearing jeans, bermudas and mini skirts instead of formal wear!!!!! hahahaa....hopefully i'll get used to the lessons at NIE which is very much group-work based, which is sth i'm not very used to doin yet cuz most of my modules in NUS don't practise that. Yup, so i'm back to being a student again!! For the last time... my final chance at being a student... :))
Anyway, I took some pics on my last day of school to capture the precious teaching memories I had at that secondary school. It was the very first sec sch i ever taught, and so that maths class tat i taught shd feel honoured to be the VERY first sec sch class i ever taught in my life!!! It has indeed been a valuable experience, kids! Thanks for it!!! Let the pics below do the talking for now, enjoy!! :)

Mr Ang the maths teacher and I, a soft-spoken and gentlemanly teacher who made it to the discipline commitee!! He muz really be something!! The kids should learn to respect him more!! Thanks for giving me the chance to teach your maths class, it made my whole teaching experience meaningful! :)
Miss Lim Ai Hong the chemistry teacher & I. Thanks for letting me observe your class, it has really been an eye-opener! Thanks oso for all your teaching pointers and advice, I'll bear em in mind! :) a pity i din get to take a pic wif my other chemistry teacher, Mrs Yeo... :(
Mr Nick Lee the HOD of science & I. Thanks for the textbooks! And of course, not forgetting the sweets!!! hahaha...

Yuet Sim, Kelly, Hui En & I. My colleagues! Thanks for your company during my 4 weeks at enhanced school experience! Keep in touch and all the best for your endeavours!! :)

Miss Chong Hui En and I. Had fun sharing the table wif u in de staff room for de first few weeks! All the best to us as we start our classes at NIE!!! :) haiz..forgot to take a pic wif Jamie, another colleague on ESE...and Steve any case, all de best!!!Now, for my dear students, my very first secondary sch class i ever taught...All the best to all of you!!! :)

Min Chi, Miss Loh, Zakiah, Stella. They sit at the left-most (frm their perspective) row in class, more towards the front. (Thanks to tis pic, I can observe my handwriting better on de board in de backgrd, and i tink it needs "renovation" to be neater..haha)
Annelise, Miss Loh, Syahidah, Shalania. They sit at the left-most (frm their perspective) row in class, more towards the middle. (Annelise's de class chairperson, thanks for helping me to chase ur classmates back to class! ^_^)

Joel, Lysa, Sharon, Miss Loh, Shi Yan, Doris. A great group photo! They sit at the second left-most (frm their perspective) row in class, towards the middle and back. Joel sits at the right-most row at de front. Lysa n Joel are holding the card I gave em!! Hee...i tink in tis pic, my clothes blend in quite well wif their sch uniform..haha (And of course, not forgetting Nazrul in the backdrop of de

Nabil, Miss Loh, Shahrul, Khairul. They sit at the second left-most (frm their perspective) row in class, towards the back. Thanks to the backgrd of tis pic, i got to know Nabil's b-day!!! haha...

Nazrul, Miss Loh, Ziyaad. They sit at the second right-most (frm their perspective) row in class, towards the back. That's de card I gave each of em that Nazrul's holding. And thanks to the backdrop of tis pic, I know the b-days of some of em..hahahaha... (Ziyaad's de other class chairperson, thanks for helping me wif de class attendance stuff! ^_^)
Ervina, Miss Loh, Selvina, the 2 gals frm Indonesia! They sit at the second right-most (frm their perspective) row in class, towards the middle. Thanks for practising bahasa indonesia wif me dat day!!! It reminded me of de time when I was at Indonesia...memory lane...
Christopher, Alex, Miss Loh, Jun Lin. They sit at the right-most (frm their perspective) row in class, towards the back. Christopher & Jun Lin are holding the cards I gave em!!! (There's a mysterious hand on Jun Lin's shoulder..haha..guess who it belongs to???) 
Saifuddin, Miss Loh, Ryan, and a few hands behind... (Ryan's de first student I called to go to de board to solve a maths problem..haha, remember??? cuz his name was de first one i knew when i heard Saifuddin calling out his name..hehe) They sit at the second left-most (frm their perspective) row in class at de very front.

Yong Liang, Ding Yang, Ying Yao, Miss Loh. They sit at the right-most (frm their perspective) row in class, towards the middle. The board in de backdrop of tis pic is another reminder to me to improve on my not-so-neat Yao's de AVA rep in class, thanks for helping me wif de laptop n projector stuff! ^_^)
Glenn, Miss Loh, Amos. They sit at the right-most (frm their perspective) row in class, in de very front! If I dun rem wrongly, either one of em were de ones involved in spraying perfume in class (on themselves, not as an air-freshener to make de class smell nice), such tat it made de class smell "aromatic"... or maybe overly notes frm my students...stuff tat r more precious than love letters, which i'll keep wif me for life... :)

My temporary abode at the staff room...
A glimpse of my table at de staff room...quite messy..haha
Miss Loh at her table marking stuff in the staff room... Yup tat's basically all of my fond memories at the very first secondary school I recently taught at!!! :) Pictures really speak a thousand words, and capture memorable moments for a lifetime... ;)))
12:50 AM